Talk with the team of Hyperdust
Resently, Hyperdust team was invited to have a talk with a leading community about the project. Some of the conversations are listed below for people who also want to know more about Hyperdust.

The Community(K): Please decribe your project, what are you guys doing?
Hyperdust Team(H): Hyperdust is the groundbreaking protocol for decentralized, high-intensity computing applications such as the metaverse, gaming, and artificial intelligence. The Hyperdust network supplies these applications with substantial computational resources through a reward-based protocol, driving the development of fully decentralized and autonomous web3 applications. This method guarantees that the worth of intensive computation is captured by protocol tokens, ultimately nurturing a self-sustaining web3 ecosystem.
What problem(s) you are trying to solve with your project? How does solving the problem(s) make you money?
The rendering of metaverse and games need the tokenized computing power to build a stable business model based on tokens rather than buying it from cloud companies. But there is no working protocol for real time metaverse rendering or Al training. So with 2 years metaverse dev and op experiences we build a web3 protocol for intensive computation such as 3D contents rendering and Al training. The protocol is based on a variant of Anytrust assumption. The applications (metaverse, games or Al) do not need BUY computing power from cloud companies but just use our token to drive the EVM accelerator (Graph Virtual Machine, our protocol virtual machine) to do rendering and training. The miner will get rewards by executing the operations of GVM.

Who are your customers? And how big is the opportunity they represent?
Web3 AAA games running on cloud, Al training App especially start ups, communities who want to build metaverse/game and issue 3D assets ( ERC20 token 3D version).As huge as like smart contract of Ethereum.
Why must now? Why not a year ago? Why not a year from now?(Convince us why funding your project is neither too early nor too late related to timing the market trend and available technology)
Smart contract of Ethereum is already proven in DeFi and other financial applications as
targeted in the whitepaper of Ethereum. Recently all layer2 (roll up, AnyTrust and ZK) are focused on higher TPS and lower gas fees and have already achieved significant success.
So the advantage for us is that other layer 2 are busy on something else and the core technology of layer 2 has been approved (such as AnyTrust that inspired our protocol).
In the meantime, the semi-financial applications that need more intensive computing than EVM as pointed out in Ethereum whitepaper still do not have a working solution while AAA games, metaverse or Al grow at a very fast pace in this year. And the massive adoption of blockchain also calls the protocol for such applications desperately, especially the crashes of some pure financial or DeFi projects in the past 12 months.
So from a market, technology and application point of view we could conclude that this is the very moment to invest in our project.And since we have 3 years experience in metaverse development and operation and AlGC.We know the needs of such applications well and already developed the first working protocol yet. So we are the very team to do it.
What is the Unique Selling Proposition(USP) of your project? How do you stand out from your competitors?
USP: Computational Graph Virtual Machine, a Layer 2 Accelerator for EVM. We came from real application rather than the most other competitors just pursuing trends or making empty promises to the market. So we will quickly take the mind and market shares to leave limited spaces to the competitors from cloud rendering and Al training and inference in real applications(games, metaverse etc.).

Which stage of development is your product at? How confident are you that you will achieve your planned milestone/roadmap?
The first version of protocol with ecosystem applications (games and islands in metaverse) will be online next month during Devconnect Istanbul. There may be some minor adjustment on the milestones in 2025 but very firm estimation in 2023 and 2024.

Please share with us the key statistics of your project, DAU, MAU, CAC, LTV, churn, retention, and any other statistics which is relevant.(not social media)
It is at an early stage of our project like Ethereum in 2015 to 2017. We do not have those statistics yet.
How many full-time team members are involved in your project? Please describe the expertise of all core team members and their past experience in building similar products (whether crypto or non-crypto), and append their Github or LinkedIn profiles.
9 full-time members are in our project refer to . ,,

Do you have any Advisors? If yes, please describe their expertise and append their Social Media Profile.
Business Advisor, Mr. Li, the CEO of Paraverse Technology, ,
What is the long-term vision of your project and how do you expect to get there?
Make a permanent existing virtual world owned by the users. Build an infrastructure for intensive computation blockchain applications such as games, metaverse and generative Al. And have virtual space and AlGC rendering/training/generating continuously on GVM and EVM.
Describe the revenue model of your project.
Gas fees of GVM to execute 3D rendering and Al computation.
Please share your projected revenue and cash flow projection for 12 months on a monthly basis.(not Tokenomics)
Only open for VC, private sale.
What happens if you are unable to achieve your fund-raising target? What is the minimum amount of funds required in order to deliver your product and acquire customers?
We already have a minimum amount to deliver products and acquire users with communities in a relatively smaller scale and modest velocity.
Why do you need a token for this project and what is the utility for the token?
Tokens will play multiple roles such as value storage, network ownership and access rights. Tokens used to drive GVM to execute operations of 3D rendering and Al training/inference.
Have you engaged with any Market Maker for token listing?
Yes, in business discussion.